• After a series of unfortunate events, Lily Evans finds herself in a precarious situation when she accidentally sleeps with a powerful lawyer, Jake Lawson. Awakening to discover that she is now his wife, Lily is determined to navigate her new life without losing her independence. Jake, known for his cold demeanor and sharp wit, becomes increasingly infatuated with her, leading to a tumultuous relationship filled with misunderstandings and unexpected passion. As they confront their feelings for each other, both must face their pasts and the challenges that come with love, ambition, and family expectations.
  • The flickering red light made a hiss out of my lips, I glanced at hmy wrist watch continuously. The time seems to be moving fast my sister must be worried and my phone is dead."Miss let me check what's the cause of the traffic jam" the taxi man said."Hey you Mr man." I shouted enough for him to hear. Hearing nothing in response, i almost thought he's deaf."I'm talking to you." I said again. The moment he turned his face towards me i was beyond surpris
  • "In Love's Grip" follows the tumultuous journey of Mia Thompson, who, after a drunken night, inadvertently entangles herself with the heir of the prestigious Carter family, the most powerful family in River City. In a moment of naive curiosity, she boldly kisses him and asks, "Are you a gift from heaven?" Heartbroken after her boyfriend's betrayal, Mia finds herself drawn to the charming but enigmatic Ethan Carter. As their lives intertwine, Ethan becomes determined to keep Mia close, insisting that she cannot simply walk away from him. However, Mia hesitates at the thought of marrying a man she has only met a few times. As the trend of impulsive marriages rises, she contemplates joining in on the craze, leading to unexpected twists and turns in their relationship.
  • "Addicted to Love" follows the story of Lily White, a young woman who has been living in the shadows of her family's prestigious name. After a tragic accident, she finds herself living as a caretaker for her estranged husband, Ethan Black, who is known for his ruthless demeanor and cold heart. Despite the pain of their past, Lily's love for Ethan remains strong, and she is determined to help him heal. However, Ethan is consumed by his own demons and believes that Lily is better off without him. As misunderstandings unfold and secrets are revealed, Lily must navigate the complexities of their relationship while fighting for the love they once shared.
  • In the city of New York, the impending marriage between the Smiths and the Johnsons has all the socialites in a tizzy. The Smiths' young heiress, Lily, is rumored to be naive, and it's widely believed that she'll be nothing more than a decorative piece in the Johnson household. On the other hand, the Johnsons' scion, Ethan, is known for his carefree and rebellious nature, and it's hard to imagine him settling down with someone who's been kept out of the public eye for 20 years. Ethan Johnson: "Marriage? Not happening. Is the whiskey not smooth enough, or the motorcycle not thrilling enough? Not a chance." He even "accidentally" liked a tweet about their impending divorce. However, after meeting Lily Smith, Ethan starts to reconsider. Perhaps it was the soft afternoon sunlight that bathed her face in a warm, otherworldly glow, setting her apart from the bizarre world around them. Later, at a gala, everyone is stunned to see Ethan Johnson with a stunning companion who outshines
  • Veronica Wilshire is a famous actress, a celebrity figure that is adored and admired by almost everyone for her graceful yet kind nature. But behind that elegant stature is an independent woman who wants to live her life to the fullest without any restraints, without having anyone like her husband to control her.Aaron Aldridge is a self-established businessman who does not believe in the concept of marriage. If he could, he would love to marry his work and never deal with the complexity of a wom