In a tale of transformation and love, Emma Johnson, a once pampered heiress, finds herself under the guardianship of a stern and enigmatic man, Alexander Thompson. Their initial meeting is fraught with misunderstandings and conflict, but as time unfolds, their relationship deepens. Emma, who initially sees Alexander as a cold-hearted figure, comes to rely on him for support. Meanwhile, Alexander, who expected a fragile girl, discovers Emma's resilience and strength. Years later, they find their roles reversed; Emma stands as a pillar of strength, while Alexander becomes the one eager to protect her from life's storms.
Candice live changed total forever when she was convinced by her grandma to move to a small town called Madison but getting there she found out a certain young man attractive and wished to get closer to him but her family constantly warned her against forming any kind of relationship with the fellow but as time went on she began to learn the history behind the instense rivalry between the two families
Synopsis: Sometimes, one mistake can ruin a relationship for good. I hope that the day you find out the truth, don't cry, you better don't.
Ever since Vexon Bevine first laid eyes on Ruby Gerund, he could not get her beautiful image out of his mind. Unfortunately, Ruby didn't notice him and disappeared while he was stuck in Mafia training. Years later, Vexon attends his elder brother's wedding, where he sees Ruby again. Even though he wants to make her 'his', Vexon tries to control his feelings. However, that night, someone drugs him, and he ends up marrying Ruby against her will, losing his control. Ruby can
Disgraced former idol Alex Yu accidentally summons a "Bloody Witch" from a cheap magic book he bought for $9.99. The witch, a golden-haired, pale-skinned mage with the appearance of a child, wipes away blood from her cough and condescendingly asks, "What do you, a mere mortal, seek from the great mage? Wealth, power, invincibility, or eternal youth?" Alex, however, is more concerned about her attire. Soon after, the police receive a call about a lost foreign child in Central Park, leading to a series of absurd events that unexpectedly revive Alex's fame on his 666th day of trying to make a comeback.
Qin Fan is known as the treasure-level goddess of the classical dance world. She is born to dance with her soft waist and beautiful face. Her cold face is so beautiful that it looks like flawless white jade. Everyone thought that no man could match her. Until it was revealed online that Qin Fan was traveling hand in hand with a young man with silver-blue hair. In the video, Qin Fan, a recognized fairy on earth, took the initiative to jump on the man, performed an intimate koala hug, and even kissed his forehead. No one expected that the fairy actually liked such a rebellious type!