• "Summer Solstice Equinox" is a heartwarming romance novel set in the backdrop of American high schools. The story revolves around the enduring crush of Summer Knowles on the enigmatic and aloof senior, Hudson Huxley. Despite being separated by two floors in their school building, Summer's feelings for Hudson persist for three long years. When Hudson graduates, Summer is devastated by his rejection but fate brings them together again at college. As their paths cross, Hudson starts to question his own feelings and the possibility of a relationship with Summer. The novel is filled with moments of tenderness, misunderstandings, and the ultimate realization of love.
  • Nina Johnson, a programmer, dies from the stress of long hours at work. When she opens her eyes again, she finds herself in a historical novel set in a dysfunctional family known for their villainous traits. Her grandmother is a manipulative matriarch, her father is a tyrant, her uncle is cunning, and her mother is a gossip. To make matters worse, Nina herself is the spoiled antagonist of the story. Faced with the challenge of transforming her family's toxic dynamics, Nina is determined to become a "lazy fish" and avoid responsibility. However, a mysterious system appears, offering her the chance to change her family's fate. Years later, Nina becomes a renowned scientist, but her family, now reformed, still shakes their heads at her kindness. "Our Nina is great, but she reads too much; she's just too nice," they say.
  • Wealthy heiress Evelyn Snow had a dream that her destitute fiancé, who later rose to prominence, would become a renowned tycoon in Cloud City. Before she could rejoice, she dreamt of his infidelity and her own tragic end—murdered at sea with her autistic son. Awakening, Evelyn clings to her fiancé's distant uncle, the dreamy heir of the Cloud City, Mr. Marcus Johnson, for salvation: "Uncle, please save me!" Reborn, Evelyn dives into business, real estate, and film production, only for the elusive Marcus to reappear, whispering, "Heartless woman, now that I've saved you, isn't it your turn to save me?"
  • A Pakistani story about how she grappled with faced circumstances that were caused by only marrying a person whom she loves deeply.
  • Astra wanted nothing more but genuine happiness and the strength to move on from her failed marriage. When she got married to New York's most eligible bachelor, she felt her joy was at its peak. One night, she got thrown out in the rain by her billionaire husband, and she had no idea her marriage was about to end.Billionaire Nicholas Michealson felt betrayed when he discovered his wife of almost two years was cheating on him, and he divorced her without listening to her side of the story. H
  • After transmigrating into a supporting character in a popular novel, Emily Thompson is determined to survive and avoid the tragic fate that awaits her. Her husband, a wealthy and distant man named Alex Sterling, barely acknowledges her existence, which suits Emily just fine. However, things take an unexpected turn when Alex starts to show an unusual interest in her. Emily is thrown into confusion: "Mr. Sterling, please don't disturb my blissful life where 'husband only gives money but doesn't come home'!!" Alex, equally perplexed, retorts, "Is there a possibility that the husband coming home gives more money?" Emily is left speechless.