"In Love's Grip" follows the tumultuous journey of Mia Thompson, who, after a drunken night, inadvertently entangles herself with the heir of the prestigious Carter family, the most powerful family in River City. In a moment of naive curiosity, she boldly kisses him and asks, "Are you a gift from heaven?" Heartbroken after her boyfriend's betrayal, Mia finds herself drawn to the charming but enigmatic Ethan Carter. As their lives intertwine, Ethan becomes determined to keep Mia close, insisting that she cannot simply walk away from him. However, Mia hesitates at the thought of marrying a man she has only met a few times. As the trend of impulsive marriages rises, she contemplates joining in on the craze, leading to unexpected twists and turns in their relationship.
Mr George left the country, he committed a crime and ran away from the country, Mary and Racheal. Then started a new life with Ami, but Ami wasn't aware. She gave birth to two girls for him, Helsi and Nancy.They both grew up without the knowledge of the first wife their father married, George left his company for his daughter Helsi before they got murdered
Katherine, is a young beautiful were-wolf, her story happens to me a very sorrowful and mysterious one at a very young age of hers. Her parents died when she was quite young.Katherine grew to understand that her parents died as a result of the money they were borrowing for a very dangerous source.The poor girl couldn't believe her parents would loan money from such a deadly source, this gave her more reason to stay alive and get to the root of everything.She was captivated and sold out to a
Why do the innocent cry? Why must there always be a cross to bear?Selena Jones happens to be a beautiful wolf, she was linked to her make by the Greek goddess, but In the end it all turned out to be a big disappointment.She gets rejected by her mate who happens to be an Alpha.He is in love with a vampire from a very fearless and reckless background.What would happen when a war comes up between the vampires and the werewolfs?Do you think she would later be accepted by the Alpha?And who would win
Lucca Yovanni returns to the United States on the news of his fathers demise to pay his late respect to his old man. He then realizes that his uncle Carlos had been using the company's influence for some illegal business activities and was planning to take over the company. This makes Lucca want to stay and fight for his rightful place as heir to the company, but Carlos was not going to go down without a fight.Riley is a spy from the UK whose main aim was to infiltrate the company and expos
An accident brought them together. She said, "Even if there are no men in the world, I will not choose you." He said, "Even if there are no women in the world, I will not marry you." Later, she fell in love with him first and left with his child. Many years later, she returned with a cute baby...