In the sweltering summer of 1980, in the bustling city of Silver Creek, a young teacher named Emma Chen finds herself caught in a whirlwind of chaos and responsibility. After receiving a frantic call about her student, nine-year-old Leo, who has been injured by his younger brother, Emma rushes to the clinic without a moment to spare. As she navigates the challenges of her job and the complexities of her students' lives, she discovers the harsh realities of being a teacher in a community filled with struggles. With her own family issues looming, Emma must find a way to balance her duties while confronting her past and the unexpected arrival of a new family member.
I was double-crossed by my boyfriend and bestie during graduation season. Seven years of love and friendship were gone in one day. I was full of resentment and in a state of embarrassment. Luo Xiangdong appeared at this time. He was high above me and spoke with pity - he said: "Liang Zijin, are you so short of men?" Later, I was trapped by money and smiled with customers while drinking. He said again: "Liang Zijin, do you want money but not shame?" He took me to see the world of flowers and women; I helped him to send away beautiful women and women. He was poisonous and black-bellied, cold and cold. He said: "Liang Zijin, get out of here." But the moment I turned around, he hugged me. I was used to his ruthlessness, but I couldn't help but fall in love. I mustered up the courage to give him love and time. But he gave me to other men with his own hands. He said: "From now on, you can call me uncle." In the end, I realized that love is cheaper than many other emotions, and it can't resis
After her parents' abrupt absence, she assumed her life would be free of ups and downs, but one accident after another caught her off guard. But she is obstinate and will not submit to her fate. Even the apathetic president was struck by her tenacity and inadvertently fell in love with her. He was so controlling and insensitive but he always spoiled her as if she were the only one in the world in his sight. And the story between them is still long...
Tao Ran first met Wei Xichen in her second year of high school. He was down and out, arrogant, cold, and secretly in love with her. Later, when Tao Ran was 23 years old, CEO Wei sat in his office with a cold and sharp look in his eyes: "Don't you want to borrow money? Please me." He only dumped him twice in total, so what's the big deal?
ng all the bad act anyone could ever think of,Pretense happens to be one of the most dangerous, if you think you have seen the most dangerous act in the world then, you are just about to see one that is more dangerous when you read this book.Mr Daniel happens to be a very rich billionaire who has everything I want in the world, but basically wasn't content with what he has.She run over 36 companies in different countries around the world, the distance most company he converted them into his
Pampering is addictive. It is rumored that the third master pampers his wife to the point of no limit. It is said that the third master Feng is a wife slave and suffers inhuman treatment every day. Lin Long raised his eyebrows: "It is said that the rumors are not groundless. What do you think, should I confirm it?" Feng Huai curled his lips and looked at Lin Long, his voice was low and charming: "I couldn't ask for it."