• "Summer Solstice Equinox" is a heartwarming romance novel set in the backdrop of American high schools. The story revolves around the enduring crush of Summer Knowles on the enigmatic and aloof senior, Hudson Huxley. Despite being separated by two floors in their school building, Summer's feelings for Hudson persist for three long years. When Hudson graduates, Summer is devastated by his rejection but fate brings them together again at college. As their paths cross, Hudson starts to question his own feelings and the possibility of a relationship with Summer. The novel is filled with moments of tenderness, misunderstandings, and the ultimate realization of love.
  • I can give you a better job than working for a well-known company. One hundred thousand dollar? One million dollars? I can give you everything if you want to work with me" —Leo AlexanderIt begins with a cooperation contract that is mutually beneficial to both parties until they unwittingly fall in love with each other. However, the obstacles faced to living happily together are very difficult. It's also unraveling the mysteries of the past that are still neatly stored."I'm so
  • Piper Jones finally gets caught red handed having swindled her way into stealing millions of dollars from scams is sent to a rehabilitation center named ash fall recovery home where she get to meet a new cruel and they big plans ahead for themselves when they leave this place
  • Nora Hill could not believe she had been such a brave fool when she was with Steward Mandel! However, Nora was no longer a headstrong woman she used to be for she had been rejected by him with frustration. For a thousand times, Nora wanted to give upon on Steward. But in fact, when she finally could stand by Steward, she only felt sad and mournful.
  • "Haunted by the Past" follows the story of Claire Johnson, a descendant of a family known for their ghost-hunting skills. As times change, the family legacy has faded, and Claire struggles to make a living in a world that no longer believes in the supernatural. Fortunately, she finds a job at a local slaughterhouse, which, while not glamorous, helps her pay the bills. One day, a ghost appears at her door, asking for her help to return to his hometown. Claire, skeptical but intrigued, reluctantly agrees to assist him. However, her life takes a turn when more spirits start seeking her out, each with their own unfinished business. As Claire navigates her new reality, she discovers the power of her family's legacy and the importance of facing the past.
  • She was kidnapped for no apparent reason and thought she was dead, but she happened to meet that devilish young master, and from then on, she began to be entangled with him for the rest of her life...