• After a series of unfortunate events, Lily Evans finds herself in a precarious situation when she accidentally sleeps with a powerful lawyer, Jake Lawson. Awakening to discover that she is now his wife, Lily is determined to navigate her new life without losing her independence. Jake, known for his cold demeanor and sharp wit, becomes increasingly infatuated with her, leading to a tumultuous relationship filled with misunderstandings and unexpected passion. As they confront their feelings for each other, both must face their pasts and the challenges that come with love, ambition, and family expectations.
  • Audrey Turnah fell in love with Jerry Dank at first sight. Up to the extent of leaving her elite international school, to join Jerry in the city school that was not up to her standard by any means.However, she suffered a humiliating rejection from him at school. One that Audrey would never forget.Due to this, Audrey was bent on teaching Jerry the lesson of his life, but she had a dream where he became a ruthless tyrant boss in the future, and sought revenge against the Turnah family, so Audrey t
  • The story begins with Tiffany running away from some guys in white suits. She manages to catch her breath in an alley where she comes across a woman with long hair seemingly changing her shirt. As she comments about the scene, the woman turns around only to reveal herself as not a woman, but as manThere's no time to waste, though, as the men catch up to her. So, attempting to be quick on her feet, Tiffany decides to use the man she's just discovered and pretends to be kissing him as th
  • After transmigrating into a supporting character in a popular novel, Emily Thompson is determined to survive and avoid the tragic fate that awaits her. Her husband, a wealthy and distant man named Alex Sterling, barely acknowledges her existence, which suits Emily just fine. However, things take an unexpected turn when Alex starts to show an unusual interest in her. Emily is thrown into confusion: "Mr. Sterling, please don't disturb my blissful life where 'husband only gives money but doesn't come home'!!" Alex, equally perplexed, retorts, "Is there a possibility that the husband coming home gives more money?" Emily is left speechless.
  • "I'm sorry jawad" I stammered feeling his warm breath fanning my face, and his dark eyes boring into mine, with hate evident on his face.He pinned me against the wall once again, looking straight into my eyes. A warm tears made it way down my chin, which I had no strength in stopping them."It's too late to say sorry my dearest wife" he whispered holding me roughly by the waist. At that moment I know I'm in deep trouble._____He is selfish and only think about hi
  • All Samantha Lucas wanted was to be loved by a man, someone who would love her for who she was. At the beginning, she thought she had found love but that proved to be a lie. Heartbroken by this, she resolved not to just fall for any man that came her way. All she was focused on was on how to secure a good job and care for her mother.Samantha was the only child and her mother was all she had. Her father who had been a constant source of pain to her and her mother had died a few years ago. He was