• "Addicted to Love" follows the story of Lily White, a young woman who has been living in the shadows of her family's prestigious name. After a tragic accident, she finds herself living as a caretaker for her estranged husband, Ethan Black, who is known for his ruthless demeanor and cold heart. Despite the pain of their past, Lily's love for Ethan remains strong, and she is determined to help him heal. However, Ethan is consumed by his own demons and believes that Lily is better off without him. As misunderstandings unfold and secrets are revealed, Lily must navigate the complexities of their relationship while fighting for the love they once shared.
  • "Addicted to Love" follows the story of Lily White, a young woman who has been living in the shadows of her family's prestigious name. After a tragic accident, she finds herself living as a caretaker for her estranged husband, Ethan Black, who is known for his ruthless demeanor and cold heart. Despite the pain of their past, Lily's love for Ethan remains strong, and she is determined to help him heal. However, Ethan is consumed by his own demons and believes that Lily is better off without him. As misunderstandings unfold and secrets are revealed, Lily must navigate the complexities of their relationship while fighting for the love they once shared.
  • When Liam, a young respected alpha of his pack is mated to a human, he finds he is unable to control his urges and plays along to them. Months later he managed to open up to her but she pushed him away. Now she is in trouble and her best friend, also a werewolf, has no one else to turn to but Liam.
  • Raven Daisy Richards, accomplished fashionista and former runway model after suffering a cold rejection and divorce from her ex-husband who accused her of infidelity, got over her past and moved on with her new life as a single mother.Suddenly, one day her present close-to-perfect life was upturned when the same ex came back, and this time when he realized what a fool he had been in the past, was willing to do anything to gain back the forgiveness of his ex-wife including suffering her rejection
  • Winter Candace is an awkward introverted girl who recently moved from Bangladesh to California after her mother passed away. She had to start living with her father, unwillingly. When her father refuses to pay her any pocket money, she decides to get herself a part-time job in a café. While struggling with the unfamiliar environment, she comes across Zane, who offers his help to her which she isn't willing to take that easily.Zane Astor is an unambiguous, candid senior at his high school, w
  • A detective who receives information from an anonymous informant that something suspicious is going on at WIC Company. The detective goes there to investigate, but when he arrives, he is greeted by horror.The informant told him something he couldn't understand, but it was about an astral and murders, but what piqued his interest was the word 'dad,' because he hadn't seen his father in how many years, and perhaps he was about to now.What people know is that the WIC is a medici