"Summer Solstice Equinox" is a heartwarming romance novel set in the backdrop of American high schools. The story revolves around the enduring crush of Summer Knowles on the enigmatic and aloof senior, Hudson Huxley. Despite being separated by two floors in their school building, Summer's feelings for Hudson persist for three long years. When Hudson graduates, Summer is devastated by his rejection but fate brings them together again at college. As their paths cross, Hudson starts to question his own feelings and the possibility of a relationship with Summer. The novel is filled with moments of tenderness, misunderstandings, and the ultimate realization of love.
After losing her parents at a young age, Lily Adams was raised by her uncle alongside her five cousins. Despite being cousins, their bond grew stronger than that of siblings over the years. Lily generously shared her inheritance with them and even risked her life to save them during a tragic accident. However, everything changed when a new housekeeper, Sarah, entered their lives. In just three months, Lily's once-loving family turned against her. Her eldest cousin, who had always been cold yet gentle with her, cast her out for Sarah. The second cousin, a doctor, sacrificed Lily's health to save Sarah. The third cousin, a rising star, publicly humiliated her, while the fourth cousin, a hacker, put a bounty on her head. After years of running from her own family, Lily discovers that her life is merely a plot in a novel, where her cousins are stepping stones for Sarah's rise to fame. In her third life, exhausted from betrayal, Lily decides to abandon her family. As she begins to reclaim h
Candice live changed total forever when she was convinced by her grandma to move to a small town called Madison but getting there she found out a certain young man attractive and wished to get closer to him but her family constantly warned her against forming any kind of relationship with the fellow but as time went on she began to learn the history behind the instense rivalry between the two families
On the night of their first anniversary, Savana Williams planned to throw a surprise for her boyfriend with the assistance of her best friend, Cassie. She went out and purchased some provocative lingerie with the intention of having sex with her boyfriend because he had never made even a single attempt to screw her over. However, to her dismay, Kai ditched her and didn't show up on the night of their first year anniversary.Savana made the decision to have a good time that night and go out w
Every girl is a unique existence in the world, regardless of her wealth or poverty, whether she comes from a rural area or a bustling city. Lily never feared ridicule or mockery; she only feared losing control of her own life. Not only can she embroider, but she can also stitch together her own destiny. People say that Alex, despite being wealthy and handsome, lacks depth. Even the woman he likes is not worthy of attention. Alex scoffs, "Your family’s standards are unattainable. In my family, if she’s willing to lift her foot just a little, our standards are just an inch high. If she doesn’t want to, then our standards lie on the ground."
In the novel "Becoming the Panacea of a Tycoon," Emily Zhang finds herself trapped as a minor character with a tragic fate in a book. She must tread carefully to avoid the protagonist. Soon, she realizes that something is amiss with the book: the tycoon, who is more formidable than the male lead and supposed to die young, is very much alive. Emily is bewildered and wonders if she has entered the original story. The tycoon, responding to her every request and even offering unsolicited help. Miraculously, each encounter with him enhances her beauty. Initially apprehensive, Emily soon embraces her new life with his support, becoming more daring than ever. Until one day, the tycoon corners her and, lost in admiration, asks, "Be good, let me have a taste." **Du Yao, the founder of a billion-dollar unicorn company, has been plagued by a malevolent aura and was once predicted not to live past 25. Before his 25th birthday, he encounters a girl whose presence calms the raging aura within him.**